Patriarch Severius of Antioch, widely known as “crown of the Syrians", is one of the
greatest dignitary of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. He was the
pride of the Patriarchs of Antioch, the luminary of scholars, an outstanding
authority and the unique erudite of his generation. He was also a great
theologian, a profound and prolific writer and an eloquent orator who had a
great control of the pulpit. To him flocked eminent jurists and men of good
conscience seeking solution to problems and interpretation of complex
matters. He was one who built up and upheld the edifice of religion, and
supported and explained the authority of the Orthodox faith. He was pure in
heart, soul and character, a possessor of the keys of wisdom and decisions.
Mor Severious was born
at Sozopolis in the province
of Psidis around the year
459 A.D. His grandfather (on his father’s side) was one of the bishops who attended
the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus (431 A.D). At Alexandria ,
he studied grammar and rhetoric in both Greek and Latin, and jurisprudence and
philosophy at the school of Roman jurisprudence in Beirut . He was baptized at the church of Tripoli in 488. Later he chose the way
of asceticism and became monk in the monastery of St.Romanus in the city of Mayoma in Palestine
and was ordained a priest by Bishop Epiphanius. Then, he built a monastery and
remained there for twenty-four years, worshipping God and practicing the
virtues of asceticism and studying the Holy Bible and the writings of
theologians. He began to write to support Orthodox doctrine and his fame
In 508, he journeyed
with two hundred monks to Constantinople to
defend the doctrine and remained there about three years until 511. A year and
a few more months later, Flavian II, patriarch of Antioch , was deposed, and Severious was
elected by the Holy Spirit to succeed him to the Apostolic See. He was
consecrated a Patriarch in Antioch
on the 6th of November, 512, after which he opened the
treasures of his knowledge in preaching and explaining the realities of faith
and morals. During his leadership as a patriarch he never deviated from the
path of his asceticism and abstinence. So, he removed luxurious living from the
patriarchal palace, while devoting his energy to reform and the dispensation of
church affairs by visiting the neighboring dioceses and monasteries in person
or by letter. When Justin I, the Chalcedonian, succeeded Anastasias in 518, he
banished a group of our Orthodox bishops, antagonizing Severious who left for Egypt on the 25th of
September and remained there for twenty-four years. In Egypt ,
Severious administered the church through his deputies or his letters. With
indefatigable energy, he wrote book after book against heresies and deceivers,
answered letters and gave personal opinions on legal matters. When he faced a
difficult problem, he searched for light in the Holy Bible or turned to the
resolutions of councils for assistance. In 535, he went to Constantinople
in answer to the invitation of Justinian I, in pursuit of unity. At the
capital, he won Anthimus, patriarch of Constantinople ,
to his side, but the gap between parties remained wide. Then he returned to Egypt where he died at the city of Sakha on the 8th of
February, 538. He was crowned by the Church as the Great Doctor of the catholic
Church. The Church also commemorates him on the day of his death. His life was
written by four eloquent writers who are Zachariah Rhetor, John, abbot of the
Monastery of Bar Aphtonya, Athanasius I, patriarch of Antioch , and an anonymous author.
The writings of
Severious cover polemics, rituals, commentaries, homilies and letters. They
enjoy the highest respect. The polemics numbers fourteen. Among the
ritual writings there is a magnificent book containing the maniths, splendid
anthems or hymns which he composed. The maniths begin with a verse from the
Holy Bible and continue with an elegant style which inspires awe and the love
of God. These maniths number two hundred and ninety-five. Of the third type of
his writings, namely commentaries, are a commentary on the Gospel of St.Luke, a
commentary on the apocalypse of Ezekiel, as well as Biblical topics and verses
which may be found in his homilies and letters referred to by Bar Salibi in his
commentary on the Gospels and by Bar Hebraeus in his book “The Storehouse of
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